Do Nothing

While working in Taiwan I met three wonderful sisters whose family name is “Wu” which means “Do Nothing”. Their name relates to the Chinese Daoist concept of ‘Wu Wei” or “effortless action”.

The sisters, each of them practicing a different form of Taiwanese art, helped me understand the value of surrender. They encouraged me to practice being present, to tune in to the richness of each moment, and to remember “the first time is also the last time”.

This collection of teabowls, teapots, and simple flower vases is dedicated to the Three Sisters and is a means for me to explore the idea of letting go, of acceptance of what is, and of recognising we are but a tiny speck in the universe.

Moonjar with cobalt brush

Ikebana vessels with cobalt brush

Teabowl with cobalt brush

Three Sisters

Three Cousins

Teabowl, dish & plate

Teabowls with cobalt brush

Teapot & Teabowls

Teabowl & sweet bowl